It’s planting season! Here’s the scoop on the farm fresh fruits and vegetables coming your way
In the Midwest and Great Lakes parts of the country, it’s becoming clear that winter is over and spring has sprung. That means it’s planting season and farm fresh fruits and vegetables are coming your way!
If you live near a farm, or you just take a Sunday drive on a country road, you have probably seen farmers getting started on planting season. The smell of earth is in the air, seeds are going in and farmers are hard at work getting ready for the farm fresh fruits and vegetables of summer – it’s a busy time of year for Fresh Forward’s member producers.
In 2021, it’s looking like an early planting season as well, with the weather being mild. However, we all know that weather can change on a dime and that wetter – or even drier – than average weather can impact what can go in the ground.
In some parts of the Midwest, corn is already being sowed in late March or early April, as are some beans, beets, cabbage, carrots, melons and tomatoes.
As we get into May, you might see more going in the ground like peppers, onions, cucumbers and greens. Watermelon is usually planted in May, as well.
Farmers still plant into June, but it isn’t common.
And just like that you are into summer, which brings such a bounty of delicious produce at farmer’s markets, grocery stores and more.
At Fresh Forward, we love this time of year because we love watching our member growers repeat the cycle of planting, growing and harvesting that has been done at family farms for generations.
We have a produce harvest calendar list on our website, if you are eager to see when your favorite fruits and vegetables will be ready to enjoy.
Fresh Forward
At Fresh Forward, feeding families is our passion. We work with local farmers to get the best, and freshest, produce on your family’s table. Ask your favorite grocery store, farm stand or produce market to carry Fresh Forward products.
Learn more about the Fresh Forward mission here.