Winter cooking: Fresh ideas for meals and snacks
Spring and summer bring an embarrassment of riches when it comes to fresh fruit and vegetables. But for winter cooking, it can be a challenge.
When there isn’t a ton of fresh fruits and vegetables available at the farmer’s market or local grocery store, what do you do to keep your winter cooking light and healthy?
Winter cooking with fruit and vegetables is still possible, as there are many delightful things that are still being harvested in the winter, like Brussel sprouts, kale, potatoes and apples that have been placed in cold storage to remain fresh and delicious.
While it is always a good idea to eat seasonally, buying fresh produce that is in season, it also helps with freshness, tasted and the locally grown designation that many people want.
So, what can you make with fruits and vegetables? Here are a few ideas for winter cooking.
Thanks to modern technology, we can store apples in cold storage so they are fresh, crisp and juicy all winter long. Apples make amazing snacks – especially dipped in caramel or peanut butter. And sliced apples can jazz up an ordinary salad. You can also bake them into breads, pies or other delicious treats.
Hearty soups are a great way to get your veggies in, especially if you add in delicious winter cooking staples like squash and root vegetables like potatoes and carrots. Soups can be great meals or even snacks, and having one in the refrigerator makes it easy to always have a healthy option ready to go.
Potato Nachos
Having people over to watch a football game? Serve up some nachos – with a twist. Roasting some potatoes up and then topping them with everyone’s favorite nacho toppings (cheese, sour cream, salsa, guacamole, olives – you name it!) is a great way to serve this staple winter vegetable.
Many pears are harvested in the winter, or are kept in cold storage, so adding pears to your snack routine or sliced over a salad is a great option when everyone is craving something different. You can also try making pear sauce (a twist on applesauce!) to stir into oatmeal or yogurt.
Fresh Forward
At Fresh Forward, feeding families is our passion. We work with local farmers to get the best, and freshest, produce on your family’s table. Ask your favorite grocery store, farm stand or produce market to carry Fresh Forward products.
Learn more about the Fresh Forward mission here.